
Animal attacks

Owner: wildfilmsindia

Animal attacks's Playlist

Name Price Views Duration Owners
Dogs check funny smell in bush, get chased out by Baby Elephant in Karnataka! 5 2K 02:12 1
Leopard Attack house residents in Kathmandu 5 3K 01:53 1
Elephant goes berserk - causes crazy damage in India! 4,515 4M 02:52 1
Tiger launches an attack at an elephant 14 13K 00:37 1
Stock footage of Tiger prowling and Cheetah chasing Zebra 263 262K 01:53 1
Epic Leopard fight on tree in India || Leopard falls off tree in dramatic fashion 13 12K 01:31 1
Leopard captured in Pauri in the Garhwal Himalaya 6,000 6M 00:56 1
Leopard picks up dog in Himalayan town 11,832 11M 00:58 1
Leopard attack in Gorakhpur, India: people pile onto roof-tops to see the tamasha 1,757 1M 02:40 1
Snake attacks and catches fish in a lake in India 5 1K 05:02 1
King Cobra - ruthless snake hunter 1,805 1M 03:13 1
King Cobra attacks and consumes an entire Rat Snake 158 158K 07:00 1
Elephant goes berserk at parade in Kerala 5 3K 02:08 1
Tiger Attack: The Full Video & Behind the Attack! 11,695 11M 03:18 1
Angry Bull attacks and injures in South Asia 105 105K 00:53 1
Python and goat : who won? 5 622 03:19 1
Snow Leopard goes back to sleep after a failed attempt at a kill 5 1K 03:00 1
Leopards FIGHT in a tree: one leopard JUMPS up, attacks, loses balance, FALLS 30 feet to the ground! 5 1K 01:36 1
Deadly Elephant attack in India: pachyderm goes crazy! 29 28K 02:59 1
Snow Leopard makes its kill - first time ever recorded on camera 5 3K 02:27 1