

Owner: wildfilmsindia

Aizawl city, Ziona - world's largest family Chapchar Kut KV Paradise Church Durtlang

Mizoram's Playlist

Name Price Views Duration Owners
Young Mizo crowd during Chapchar kut, Aizawl 5 410 01:12 1
Delegates arrive at Anthurium Festival venue - Mizoram 5 795 02:27 1
Aero sports launch at Thalfavang Kut festival - Mizoram 5 98 01:08 1
Girl sings a song like singing star 5 127 04:50 1
Insuknawr or rod-pushing competition at Thalfavang Kut Festival in Northeast India 5 1K 03:52 1
Chapchar Kut fast forward! 5 32 00:53 1
Youth dance to Mizo song - Anthurium Festival, Mizoram 5 4K 05:57 1
Mizos fight with pillow during Thalfavang Kut Festival 5 76 06:24 1
Traditional Cotton Weaving in north-east India 5 2K 01:27 1
Mizo children play around Reiek Park, Mizoram 5 569 00:59 1
Amazing small huts from Aizawl 5 398 01:15 1
Reviving the weaving traditions of north-east India 5 138 01:10 1
Freddy's Nightmare band live at Chapchar Kut in Mizoram 42 41K 05:09 1
Bamboo Dance in Chapchar Kut Festival 5 181 01:11 1
Rih Dil Lake in Mizoram 5 2K 01:41 1
Bagpipers and drums in Mizoram - Scottish surprise from India! 5 3K 05:58 1
Post lunch work for the world's largest family 5 3K 01:03 1
Mizo artist performs at Winter Carnival in Aizawl 5 114 08:59 1
Sunrise in Aizawl, Mizoram 5 501 00:18 1
Aizawl view from ATC in Durtlang Hills 5 588 00:53 1